Giongo´s History


Challenges, innovations and achievements are part of GIONGO’s trajectory.

Every great dream begins as soon: small and concrete, with the potential to grow. The 10 years following its beginning have proved that more persistent work and more business intelligence constitute a strong combination in a market in constant turmoil. It takes determination to keep the business, courage to expand horizons and reliance under any circumstances. GIONGO experienced a little bit of everything and is ready to celebrate its history.

The history of GIONGO ÓLEO E GÁS is directly related to the entrepreneurial trajectory of its founding partner, Leonardo Giongo, and the business of oil exploration in Brazil.

It all started in 2003, when the Federal Government created the Prominp (O&G Brazilian Industry Mobilization Program), aiming to develop national suppliers for the Oil & Gas Industry. The purpose was to encourage the development of projects with high levels of local content to compete with equipment similar to imported.

It was easy to understand at the time that the nationalization of this equipment would result in the optimization of the acquisition process, ease of maintenance, improvement in operational continuity, in addition to reducing import dependency.

In addition to these factors, studies showed that there was a huge restrained demand for advanced oil recovery in high-viscosity oil reserves and, consequently, for the use of steam, while aiming the considerable increase in production from wells.



With the growing need for the use of steam in its operating units, Petrobras, through its Espírito Santo Exploration and Production Business Unit (UN-ES), established the guidelines for the Preliminary Project Proposal (PPP) for nationalization of the steam generators.

With the very close opportunity, a promising future scenario and a stimulation to the market, entrepreneurs started studies for the development and assembly of steam generators. Thereby, in 2007, after analyzing of opportunities, STEAM DRILLING was created with the objective of meeting this demand, producing Steam Generators with national content rates above 95%.

Although Prominp not having continued the support proposal, STEAM DRILLING alone invested heavy resources and developed its first project in this type of equipment.



Believing in the market’s potential, the shareholders began the project development in partnership with Chemtech-Siemens, a high-tech company, with software licenses developed by the University of Oxford.

With large invested financial volume, own capital, the steam generator projects (UGV and UGVM) were developed aiming to meet various demands, of different types of oil, in different geological conditions.

The project was a success. In less than three years the STEAM DRILLING was already doing the first tests with its mobile steam generator. Then, the project was presented to several companies in the sector and the first contracts with Petrobras were entered into. Next to the first, STEAM DRILLING obtained several contracts at UO-ES, totaling approximately BRL 25 million. Including a contract with the Petrobras Exploration and Supply area aimed at providing high performance and quality equipment and services.

Over time, a new business was added to the supply portfolio of STEAM DRILLING: the exploration of oil wells. At that time, the company was renamed GIONGO ÓLEO E GÁS. An imposing name, specific and directly linked to a noble businesses of the oil market. Today, the company is able to acquire wells as operator D, evolving to C.



More than 98% of GIONGO’s supplies were with Petrobras, operating several contracts simultaneously. Currently the partnership is with the private sector, initiated by the client BGM. The customers and products portfolio expansion is the company’s purpose to ensure constant growth and consolidation in the Oil & Gas industry market.

GIONGO also participated in several other tenders for leasing, manufacturing equipment and supplying operational workforce. The last invitation to tender on the market by Petrobras is currently suspended, and the value for a five-year contract to supply four UGVM’s and respective operational workforce was BRL 60 million.



GIONGO’s legacy began to be planned on the day it started its activities on the market, inaugurating a history of entrepreneurship. Since then, the company has made innovation, opportunities and knowledge the pillars that constitute its activities. As it work hard to keep these pillars well strong, GIONGO consolidates its style of doing business and its acting philosophy.



Nothing beats the work. But, when the work is done based on talent and daring, it becomes unbeatable in all the senses. GIONGO customizes the service given to each client, respecting their particularities and seeking to fully meet their needs. To gain the reliance of each one, the team has been showing competence, skill and attitude.



Before completing 15 years, GIONGO shows full vitality. The strategy of bringing solutions and new experiences to clients of the Oil & Gas sector remains steady, strong and deep-rooted. GIONGO was designed to be a responsible, consistent and, above all, humane company.  The purpose is to always offer a product whose value is not measured by financial capital, but for the client’s satisfaction.



Without vitality, any business falls apart at the first obstacle. Without renewal, there is no way to sustain the organization for long. It is therefore, over the almost 15 years of GIONGO, vitality and renewal they have always walked side-by-side in the projects undertaken by the company.

In addition to its rich history, GIONGO is committed to being a sustainable company, which strives to protect the environment and value life, its greatest asset. For all these values, GIONGO is building a solid, committed, respectful and serious brand, bringing with it the same principles and values practiced and shared by its founding partner.
